Autor Tema: Source Louis Emulator S4 S6 S8 (update 15)  (Leído 4169 veces)

Same error here after compiling the Game Server, can someone share a fix, I know the GS was released but it defeats the whole point of having the source for experimenting with changes...

Tengo el mismo error, despues de compilar el codigo fuente salta la licencia del GS, se que Louis libero el GS parcheado pero este error vuelve inutil el probar cambios al compilar el GS, podria alguien compartir un fix?

please print creen error of you or video error
Projected Developer for MU || Zalo and FB: 0938737340


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tengo estos errores louis ala hora de compilar [/url][/img]

I also have this problem, I want to ask for the until file, can anyone help?

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Boa noite turma sou um mero curioso na programação , consegui compilar meu gs e gscs porem da essa mensagem quando vou abrir o .exe, alguem teve esse problema? se sim como resolver porfavor!

Good evening class, I'm just curious about programming, I managed to compile my gs and gscs but I get this message when I open the .exe, has anyone had this problem? if yes how to solve please!

