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Mensajes - Queezle

on: Septiembre 18, 2022, 03:27:28 pm 1 MuOnline / WebEngine / Default Advanced v1 para Webengine [Multi Colores]

Estaba aburrido y me puse a actualizar el template default de la webengine, actualizando sus frameworks y dejarlo esteticamente mas elegante. La novedad es que es MULTI COLORES, es decir que el administrador cambiando una sola linea del codigo, se cambia todo el color del template.

Caracteristicas de esta nueva version del template:

- Bootstrap actualizado a la ultima version
- Datatable agregado y actualizado a la ultima version
- Fontawesome agregado y actualizado a la ultima version
- Agregado la funcion que chequea si el servidor esta Online
- Se cambio que el Panel de usuario no tome imagenes como iconos, sino iconos en si (configurable desde el admincp)

Video de muestra:

- Para cambiar el color deben ir al index.php del template, buscar la variable "$ColorTemplate" y cambian por el color hex que ustedes quieran. De igual manera deben modificar tambien la variable "$ColorTemplateAlpha" colocando el mismo codigo que pongan en la anterior, y agregandole un 80, por ejemplo, si tu color es #0d6efd, en la variable $ColorTemplateAlpha debes colocar #0d6efd80.

- Para colocar tu servidor, debes ir a inc/modules/sidebar.php del template y ahi mismo debes poner tu IP y el puerto de tu GS. Asi la funcion funcione correctamente tomando si tu servidor esta on u off.

Salve Galera!

Mais um dica ai pra vocês, um super dica se passagem.

Cuidem disso pra não terem o servidor de vocês invadido.

Se te ajudo ajude a gente também se inscrevendo no canal e dando likes.

Segue vídeo com explicação:

Créditos: @Weberson(GWteam)
Salve Galera!

Mais um tutorial ai pra vocês!

Quem puder da aquela força lá no canal, se inscreve e curti nossos vídeos!

Segue Vídeo

Creditos: @Weberson(GWteam)


on: Octubre 26, 2021, 02:52:58 pm 5 MuOnline / Mobs / Monster Del Mapa Burning Kethotum (S17 1-2)

Fotos e informacion


Gaia0h, Orion88, [email protected], sonim, gicorox, zhangjianle865, Giovani, mu2020, lucasvieiragames, unico, leogandini, hamilton08, matadores, tukamu, KempeK, janson, dab30, 4i20, manasses, fang7352, benhur123, zerolshen, xxotavioxx, Karutan, cousher, maverickadr, felipedc, duykhoa, maksuel, styller, ares3000, h34v3n, ga3r1el, shiguemoto159, blackcatyb, sebasrodrigo, zumarjo, kaio, Koito89, karynahu, dreamline, vamgk2, Breeze, leonardi, fasterdroid, tcbaoanh, bystalemate, xXRul0Xx, caminhada, leonardexapps, psyche, vicenterola, Roccket, biinhorj, Guga, vitorotero, mariaealine, wally147, PsycheMU, LeandroIron, maklai, AlbertoxD, Darki123, sasuke5236, klandestin, armflo12, MuExilio, kaspermanias, ellite3, Queezle, adeson, forajido, terrygoth, MuTechGuy, muonline, victornage, Mentor1310, polho210, marcela, erick05, jesuschis, MonicaCisneros, monarcalaghaim1, elitemu14, weverson, evilspirit, crossesk, lautat1, jhonatanwdm1994, ivanci23, rogerio, Paturuzu, franco142536, lotusmu, rost, ryanls, josec19, look, maxixe, sirius125, cinus, phill, OpineL, kevinx9, mentohr, richardjj, lordevvo, Geovanio, Rsh91, RoldanHost, doantran201194, 15351535, jeancccarlos, SetecSoft, fantasma02, antonissam, diegolbrl, kanam3, kennybuihp, xgilber99, Cheke, lemant, yan0153, rdgbr, andresdavi, josi, lukete125, korron, tackebong, kalus91, pigo666, masloco7, movesty, ShenLongVN, vanhung21, Keko, Zendo, xapanao, kingreapers, acacoo, ibhost, migue22, tcheloft, anglz2002, mudragon, komandirbk, patrik, darky, DiegoPJI, CarlosT, loctime, lestaty, luizhitoxd, Apolo, kombosabo, dieysonpt1, vini3006, marthamad, robson, zezeqds1, diegoberaldi, muvoltzs6, mathmmr, vhsg18, enzoenzo2, lautarogermancristala, DraconMG, fedepelain, jknfkls, fazinhow, pieromen, MerX, getmam, sevin, kskooper, will2525, dalota5322, matheusmarcio, kalil4d, damayen, danillou, akueran, SuperCris, jwait, musasempleos, stenersilva, mooomiji, gu34, cejar16, keky, BanidoXD, cancerx, Ederson, hardthug
Como para concluir este fin de semana, otro PSD de un trabajo que lo hice hace tiempo atras, el cual pongo a disposición de esta grandiosa comunidad, y quien lo necesito bienvenido sea... cool2 cool2


eternity, Ailson Costa, PsycheMU, Louis, Hayabusa, julito55, portillourc1, felipe02111, Azir, admin345, driosm3, lokillo, Likidus, iuriwolf, kireyserca, djvanyi007, TUZZIO, ernesto2, aleferamom, jasson21, ghuty, benpremiummu, Marainnyz, Quonix, nexusjjj, spowzinho, andres1207, lilbk000, Dragsilver, RaptorChL, Queezle, vzynsky, hoainiemclub, Roccket, Abraham90, mr_bunny, zapee, nazd, crazy, tharlion, gffranzoni, kaio, zumarjo, alfredopv, lord, ghost7828, poliguela, fasterdroid, Bouster, rexarjdp, JVigistain, xdjoa, TheGaboHz, MITOLOGY, psyche, YoelBJ, anmx14, fleonidas1, chaoscon, one4raul, muonlinevn, muplaygame, kdzn, bigchief, andyartx, tuyettu, skoty, mrcdnke, evilspirit, DaMix, edwinelp, Locodel, ulloa, josec19, EGEMEN, marcotbb, mau55, mugeminis, sdarius, muweiss, solangelsi, iBosse, NEXUS, marlonbdr0, dfranklin01, 2400, rafaelsc13, [email protected], Esteman, jeancccarlos, siegeheart07, juninsj22, speedrzo, carlos27, ShinichiL, CAPITOL, andresdavi, ljusalfheim, Zetita22, dreams, adrian.aurelio, General, anubis, milkaritas, slakerpro, hans.ns, Vinicius, russellrj1, Dkyzer, maxito, Frnco16, juanka2, touchzada, legui, r2fy, flaviovp01, roken94, jknfkls, kevinx9, muorbe, hellkaiser, Sirl, appkool2, vcdh98, akemi00, josedesing, davc147, SkyDanc, rdgbr, carlmdq, xxyan1xx, exequiel12, lnattramnx, MrGeorge, leogandini, lehuuducmjnh, soldado, Franco16, ElLillo, cesarbk2023, skezed, mrthinlips, jokey96, cflores93, Luminus77, Gunnar14789, ilubatar, sdkkzrtcc, mukaimas, shotbygop, hellboycp33, attack, Zteban, equispe, manzana, giloz, coto66, fantastyc, fatking, Mephysto13, 497625, EnigmaGamer, AmbitionOne, Bersekofth, guajiro12, giloz, pieromen, thanggsm, justinhung74, NoeticR, david2015, carmax, ghemay285, rafapsi, jose55, jhoszk, jhaysukun, brunex00, raelx1994, volcano, ivansr, wireshark, ironlucks, medi, nelsoneto, masterphs, filipejsp, lycanian, TROYANO, csadsadsad, cesaro4697, lightkun, harvspam, XGamerS, jeesun, OBBY, Bruno95, keky, ScrubZ3R0, adelis13, tbc123, rivalz96

on: Abril 13, 2021, 12:16:04 am 8 MuOnline / Recursos / [PSD Editable] LOGO MU DE LIBRE USO [by Janito]

Buenas Noches a todos de esta grandiosa comunidad.
Aqui les traigo el PSD editable del logo que decidi ponerlo a disposición de toda la comunidad, estaré agradecido con un GRACIAS de tu parte.

Te invito a visitar mi fanpage:
PSD for you website. Launcher, forum, website.

on: Enero 27, 2021, 10:38:04 am 10 MuOnline / Interface / Loading Screen after Select Character

Dejo este After Select Character que hice estando aburrido :P




Louis, princeinmortals321, Orion88, Krutoyed, judakiss21, acewafuu, adrian.aurelio, ballas, Oracle, hiddeN, rafa000, victorscatolon, mommo01, dab30, achilles31, msiena017, tosadorin1, jonhblay, 丹U尺丹, MiRoKu, Azir, giovani, MuWarning, renatovips, ghuty, lucho1980, ziza, Sergio MuTeamServices, stoneangel, cousher, mudarkend, barakuda21, mariaealine, WIZARDMU, Dragonvl15, gabriel22, Kentuxo180, Nahyllahe, juanmilbratz, -=ARIEL=-, sumoning, talissonrenan, Developers, favoritomu, claudin11, yejiunayangluo, rudolph, renansanx, k976, kaspermanias, foooxzada2021, abade, admslaiffer, amordevil, Wazzap, Anadyer, spowzinho, 420zione, DaiveSN, sonim, XaleX, PsycheMU, aidz21121, loprado, frlcmd, mariajose2, vasconcelos171, shiun, iPoGloss, 4i20, luxgames21, riqueh, dsgaming, evilspirit, dark12, qqw6635789, xXRul0Xx, flpneo, luisgaming, emaspc93, AvielNet, victornage, MuConexão, doxeti42, josiwls2, Queezle, BlackShado, dxkk, reunitedmu, mayiny, slaap, nemesis28, josec19, Gu1BR, Hugo13, proffesor, vhsg, boby13, mualkon, caio007, erick05, juninsj22, julito55, supraimas, warrior, jrpatrian, rogerio, kevinx9, tabacuda, felipe02111, Karuritoku, bvduan84, Aland, darkider, eraclio1, armylegend, escanorsama, jaku, rafaelpqd157, modangel, NEXUS, 15351535, zerg24, FURIONGFX, vini, walli, bkfrizs, xapanao, jeangdr, rodriiigo, gabrielscolt, phill, elampa1, miguel28, tribugado, 1oNuTz, bobike24, CAPITOL, Eanna, Misa, marksync, llades, tomassk89, Calibre12, hiag0d, crazy, juca15, junnin22, saturno, taurinho, legui, Action, kute2909vn, wsniper29, Krathus, Cheke, Ariox, daandelsi, soldado, milcarlos, Hugo014, psyche, russellrj1, tequiz, Fariaaa, Umbrella, angel2056, juanmi13, 4fun, Edsonvieira, ArthurAques, devoter4, hans.ns, musystem, santua, geovan12, Fadekk, fafnir, chokito669, nicomu, BRAYANMF93, Oneteam, pety456, VCT-Team, cavalcante, Anjus, lennox22, karli, rickluosha, eusoulindo, ADMPVPlayer, tacabalarj, q40514927, Mineiro Mu Online, h123456, bkwilliam28, tcbaoanh, Oscuridad, ninguno, miguelit0, akumaxis, nguyendp191, gleison91, maximilian, YisusB, b0n3v, newpsp88, guiklynz, vlatzcba, eletroschalty, entropymu, javierec, 950113, jeffzkie69, FunkyMMO, jhin, lucasfsarmento, pablopb, kronosal, sergio466, vhsg18, lznoe

on: Noviembre 18, 2020, 12:30:30 pm 11 MuOnline / Configuraciones / Balance S6 65535 pociones HP

Hola, les aporto acá un balance realizado por mí y funcional al 100%.

Fue solicitado por un cliente pero al recibirlo, probarlo y estar conforme ha reclamado el saldo PayPal así que se lo libero FREE a todos.

PD: Cualquier consulta por balances los realizo a un costo de 20USD / $3000ARS con una demora máxima de 5 días.


Orion88, hamiltonsl, TSH Networks, vitordodo157, overdrawn, llZeuzll, duykhoa, adryan, dark12, 423646802, MuOnlineLa, YoelBJ, vnfiac, joaovslopesz, grisis, mitomu, julito55, notengo, bollanog, fir3m4n, TonyAMT, tdthanh95, Ailson Costa, zezeqds, cousher, AlbertoxD, guntherdoc, lucasvieiragames, gradmu, hamilton08, jonhblay, FANTASY, sonytfm, Rasner, jorgemol, eduardo_forte9005, Joker14, piscis007, tosadorin1, Louis, ZeusAdm, sh9ik, FernandoFujita, renatovips, ruojing, PiliMan, PeruServiciosMu, ADMLuficer, wanwaycom, lemiks, jhork91, muexp, Thorkell, juniorjblp, xAppLy, Fusion, Queezle, Incognit0, eternity, Abraham90, junnin22, zlethanhlong, 3dwardp2, AizeN_LP, mabrio, antony05, Arceus07, p0zejk, carlos946, DuendeTank, gnlskad22, driosm3, jose4090, lobinhopk, Avispon, SAYTU_2008, muerebor, pinponw, Senhor-D, dorcilio, exequiel12, Exhurtum, JOnesTranqui, mrdotapple, 86157, Nahyllahe, trinhbinhchi, crisferna37, rubar47, idsgame, cinus, ziza, PepeCuestas, KURT, CaiodaJoana, reunitedmu, AnDeR, Breeze, muplaygame, zhangjianle865, icee, muonlinevn, Mauro, darkjano, xeonlaser2014, MUEGYPT, lorranmota, 421216046, DaiveSN, wally147, imaresca, Xaviierx, mathzada, LombroZO, wendyll, one4raul, natsu00, cantante007, hbapzyc, fantasymu, Matt1995, luizleao87, whodhell, MathiasDS, xxyatsenxx, anmx14, fermix010, josehdrago, xtremsony, wallacebalu, hudsonb, dieysonpt1, plmcdx, football, norean, erick05, zanny, mudaiviet, djnansr, shiguemoto159, leonid, JeanMois, lenovo1q2, xlockee, binhchivn, Artem, suporteflexmu, feelipexshk, royta, douglas, misterclir, josec19, kennybuihp, mubigboss2022, azard, CroSS_ADM, criptomu, tienak, ToShirico, maicoidalgo, fefe14, Dragonvl15, Lipi97, Vitaminka, WariusMU, kratosmu, morwp, luizhitoxd, maiconlive, vtmendesfps, BlaackZero, Franco2022, djjamjpl14, adrinizzi, luizpkx, Grosso, ermacle1, Nicolasxd, MarquitoXx, vladi254, llorru, lexius24, joelsobrin95, darkrosmer, layzen1985, TEKKEN, allyson02, xzcrueldad, leticiasilva, MaquiOmii, novoletto2, Glopezcor, hippon, hiag0d, muorbe, voladito, bin9xhn22, BlackShado, zpzwb113, jesuschis, d3mon, marktoon, radrains010, MMHell, [email protected], unico, tomassk89, crazyy, crssbahr, denao_bk, maurowolf, appkool2, mrtin, josedesing, Zteban, robiivagyok, platich, nerdz, jaes, ivansr, puchol, oscarboom, thebelce, Tulkas, DragaoziN, guid7030, pety456, Jorgeb, boicaolho, west, benhur123, xilemu, choidk, sxemaster, wenchito, gu34, 4fun, EzeQ, Azir, miguel1616, quest, jwait, soulerdo, michaelk22, oswaldo1590, j0taerr3, bmoreira, link31, rodriiezee290992, XGamerS

on: Octubre 23, 2020, 02:18:04 pm 12 MuOnline / DmNCMS / Template DMN DRAGON + PSD

Vengo a compartir el Template DMN DRAGON



Orion88, heloleticia, TSH Networks, ferick28, rodritwm, jhonatan01, Fagor, everygames, Andii, coixuong, Qsloqpasha, Darkk1n007, Emmi, rando, master, supraimas, adayroi123, Juneba, daezugun, lifeplayer, gradmu, ballas, stefanoiu, RaStRaBaN, WolfPlay, greensk8er, baitzashul, Queezle, lokillo, Azir, JSerrao, renansanx, lemiks, FANTASY, YisusB, bryanqrz, jamuceiba, DPKG, martagrzechuwarta, stoneangel, boybudz321, Netplay3, douglastavares, keeborg, barakuda21, reunitedmu, lmk34k01, monsterdking, surdido, Bumb1ebe, katrinaserver, BonuXs, hieptd, mewpew, krebza7x, douglas, marksync, locdao136, look, wesleypam, ShadyBoss, julito55, o0DarkHeroOo, punktano, ghost7828, xilemu, evilspirit, jadiel12, lotusmu, batons, taurinho, milkaritas, brahian, umperlook, KempeK, legolas01, daimer, vhsg18, hawkx, Foxwares, rogha, fazinhow, myway, poquecalo, mulosolivos, pksoares1, Fadekk, karli, bazofiamen, xlucasxm18, Sinonimas, hasack, gean19, Limitless, malinkhii, NoeticR, stenersilva, tominis931, oldwei, mooomiji, filipejsp, xpollox, jwait, volcano, alamic, thebelce, uhenri, diitox, kosicki123

on: Octubre 23, 2020, 01:22:27 pm 13 MuOnline / WebEngine / Top Duel Sencillo Files (Louis)

Top Duel Sencillo para Files (Louis)
Únicamente sirve para files de Louis, no tiene compatibilidad para otras emuladores.

Credits to Lautaro


Louis, Andii, stanlyssj, Mauro, kaffa22, daezugun, gabrielgsp, xxyatsenxx, ryanls, brahian153, renansanx, webamoev, yojavier, RaptorChL, respeitapolicia, thanhbinhqht, JOnesTranqui, AlbertoxD, lolz3976, cousher, Wolf, carlos1989, Queezle, wavemusic, emaspc93, Netplay3, Gu1BR, eternity, dab30, greensk8er, bigrealtk92, Dragonvl15, 2str0kE, freeze, mangal, juampicdx, Deko, Glopezcor, General, johan885, alexu1, renatovips, nefarious, fabiam15, hasack, yay9999

on: Octubre 23, 2020, 01:15:47 pm 14 MuOnline / WebEngine / [Modification] Rankings Filter by Class

Vengo a compartir el modulo de Modification Rankings Filter by Class

Credits to Lautaro

on: Octubre 12, 2020, 05:46:36 pm 15 MuOnline / WebEngine / Template Arena Premium Webengine 1.2.1 + PSD

Vengo a compartir el Template Arena Premium Webengine 1.2.1

Créditos: WebEngine CMS


Cinu, pkdomal, majoca10, waltervg91, viper026, ohmagic, icoder, lucas, ZeusAdm, gmuonline, Orion88, driosm3, rafapsi, cousher, elangelave, daezugun, amaro87, kloko02, Expert, Louis, FANTASY, laurentiuitk, robertoo, drynea, Netplay3, makisso, Ailson Costa, Adexus, kloko00, Emmi, Hugo13, Krutoyed, lau08, ziquielbr, Queezle, DarkTeam, Kazio, Cienfuegos22, gradmu, bravo99, bestmudf, wolftexas, jhonavidr, xunxolost, CezarMaster, krishnaxDD, mulevels, Maribao, mabrio, dysteer, julioklin, KeTaansusu, blood, paulinunix, Moraldo, barakuda21, zerolshen, russellrj1, ghost7828, maiconlive, Arson, Mutemerios, dangermen, djcoringa, Santia1988, japidg, DuendeTank, muplaygame, ILoveVzla, Azir, vicksel, yojavier, rustx11, greensk8er, lokillo, Marianogyt, lautaro60, JefersonS, JSerrao, jospiter, acesdigitals, kellington, muerebor, Wigans.siilva, areliux, vlexdj, mrcdnke, gabsgarrido, DariusK, Weberson(GWteam), RaptorChL, morphcorptm, JOTA7777777, empalador7, ygort, duykhoa, soulerdo, oscaralexanderable, lucas5287, hieule9999, solamito, Tomer, wznba, Quonix, kailknight, emanuel22J, victhorinox, Dragsilver, linhbadien, jhampool13, michelmy, ekor4ik, myway, juanmi13, royta, Dioger95, Juanakin, martin castro, QlimaxMu, DhimasRD, locomotion, keeborg, feitosa, JVigistain, karmahi, rexarjdp, PiliMan, tcheloft, leobsb, ygorjipa, ruojing, franco1478, muskyne, eternity, admwoods, icee, Riscrow, Conex21, themanmu1, rodrii01, kathaleya, 1uisange1, sulfurzi, dyland22, Atzael, 2884590Mm, legolas01, hanielmu, VortexGames, C0LDPLAY, boybudz321, jhynno, Bouster, tequizz, DaiveSN, tszer0, xlichblack, Arian22, guillotinemu, norean, tosadorin1, SpawN, edsoxp, vituocgia, Liompop, xignal35, xilemu, MachinebooM, nemesis28, tesska, nguyenducthongcf, sintaxis, perla, malcolmx27, furius, princeinmortals321, josec19, carlocrow, mewpew, dfa123, Java350, Vyshne, kziel, zaoner, federicobi, kaibabr, wavemusic, vladi254, ravictor, Akon, resaca16, wallacebalu, T-LEGENDARY, look, ziza, phill, NETKROZ, wuachukeik, juninsj22, jesuschis, denispunk, chuvito, Luminus, muweiss, cantante007, KazahtaneC, solangelsi, pablox, ShadyBoss, punktano, criptomu, Deco., revindrakm, pksoares1, josef300, v1rusjkee, milkaritas, surdido, sounddivision, eselfede, douglasdet, tucusito, akyx_, Conceptista, lancelot, lexius24, ProTecno, bigrealtk92, zeconslab, underml, coorpgamerz, cienfuegos, desingmasther, NEXUS, rafaelsc13, dab30, rowley, mangal, gingpawer, Pyke, freeze, Nicolasxd, nehuenp23, Nasher, Trymenow, nextgenmu, speedrzo, havanna, sairus, Ilumine, andresdavi, Viper, tackebong, Glopezcor, Luminus77, diagoxd1, mudaiviet, jeffzkie69, Mao, gunnar, radrains010, robsgaldino, General, farah0545, marta97, zolik, cobyzero06, kingreapers, jhoszk, decocwb, r2fy, whisky123, DelphMania, nighter, empireyoncar, hellkaiser, vhsg18, Norick, lmactrao, magnata, victordlcr, malinkhii, equispe, nefarious, fazinhow, affinem, doluck, BloodMU, Fukerito, jorgex200, MarianoIT, Mulanesa, jamuceiba, SURFRAiT, rockes, Osow, Saric, socomo, Ratax1, SILVER, mukaimas, hasack, gean19, allex18, dalota5322, ivansr, thedamian77, KantruMu, Chmako, stenersilva, tomy79, mooomiji, becasito1995, pablo2587, FunkyMMO, feper0909, bluecoke, tedateamos, luis50001, OBBY, amawaoi999
Páginas: [1] 2 3